Like many writers, my writing has always been my hidden dream. My greatest wish and my biggest fear. If my life is a candle and the flame is my dream of writing, then I have kept this dream shut away and covered the flame with my hand so that no one would see nor guess my greatest wish. I hid my flame with my hand and slowly over time its heat began to burn.
Burn bigger and brighter until the pain of keeping it hidden was greater than my fear. So, I decided to step out on faith, instead of living in fear and follow my dream.
At first, I surrounded myself with a core of believers in my dream. My husband, my children and a few chosen friends. They’re my greatest cheerleaders. My flame was weak, and I didn’t need anyone to carelessly or maliciously snuff out my hopes. I shared with them my goals and together we made a game plan.
What would I need to be successful? We decided on a writing space, quality writing time, writing tools, education, and mentors.
My first writing space was my dining room. My family and I pushed our dining table into a corner in front of the window, placed our computer on it, threw a dry erase board on the wall, pulled in some bookcases and purchased a comfortable rolling chair. To insure quality writing time, my husband put doors on the room and handed me his shooting ear protection for when the kids were loud. My kids plastered the room with stickers saying; We believe in you, keep it up, get in here and write! My daughter placed a cup on the desk that held pencils and cheered when the table was jarred. I loved writing in that room.
My girls and I went to my favorite place to shop. Staples. We purchased pens, pencils, markers, stickies, paper and index cards. In the beginning, I’d start writing on paper, until the ideas started flowing and then I’d transfer to the computer.
Now, I had the tools to write but was still not sure about the process of getting from idea to completed manuscript, to published book. I began my education by joining the Romance Writers of America and their local chapters: Virginia Romance Writers and Washington Romance Writers. It was through these organizations that I found my place. My “Tuesday Night Writes” group. With these outstanding women, I found friendship and mentorship. I found a home of writers.
Finally, after more years than I care to mention, I’ve figured out my process and presented my first book to the world. As you know, this month I debuted my first novel, Visions Of Emerald.
I’ve exposed my candle to the world. With great hopes and yes, great fear. But along the way, I’ve found that only by letting our flames burn bright do we find our way out of the darkness and into the light. And the more you cultivate and nourish your flame, the brighter it burns until it not only guides you but others as well.
May your flame burn bright!
❤️ Dee